Archive for the ‘EVENTS’ Category


Thursday, June 24th, 2010


“The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is not a local US problem, but a world wide disaster that will affect everyone of us and in so many terrible ways!

Today we do not YET really understand the magnitude of this unprecedented change of life on planet earth.

From the destruction of the food chain to the extreme impact of our climate and the pollution of our worlds oceans beyond comprehension, we urgently NEED the HELP and SUPPORT of the entire world to mitigate this disaster NOW!

Without a global understanding, that MAJOR CHANGES and PROMISES to keep them have to be initiated TODAY, as of the current situation outlook and in the ways we are thinking … we need YOU to be TRUE BELIEVERS!”

“I have spent 65 days covering the oil disaster 24/7, and after 150 Million Gallons of Oil and 1,4 Million Gallons of toxic dispersants polluting our future, I hope that we now all are TRUE BELIEVERS and:


Let’s get started NOW!

Stefanie Voigt,  June 24th 2010

Samantha Martin – Tribal Voice and Aboriginal Healing

Friday, June 18th, 2010
Unique Event
Samantha Martin – Tribal Voice and Aboriginal Healing
“Samantha is bringing her focus to our Mother Earth and our Marine Life in the Gulf of Mexico …. it is time to give back!”

Samantha Martin & Michael Butler visiting Munich/Germany:
June 23rd – 24th 2010

Location: Munich/Germany
Date: 23. June – 24. June 2010

Samantha & Michael will also offer a very unique
Aboriginal Energetic Treatment to anyone interested, please read the flyer:  please click to see the flyer
Contact Samantha Martin & Michael Butler:
More details:


Michael Butler:
“Samantha has been given the gift of healing from her late Grandfather who was a very, very well known and renowned Traditional Aboriginal Healers/Shaman’s of our time and I accompany her with the Didgeridoo and it’s healing Vibrations and the American Indian Flute with a blissful mediation. This treatment is unique and it is coming to your town soon!”